January in photos

This came as a bit of a shock to me because usually I have between 30 and 50 photos that I’ve taken during the month. I ve almost not used my phone or camera at all in January. I put it down To mostly recovering from cancer treatment and being quite unwell with a chest infection and it pretty much raining nonstop for the whole month.

Definitely came as a surprise though….

Cut my head and become property of facebook


Like stars that pierce the inky void

of night she sparkles as she spins

through space and time and all about

look up and watch as bright she burns

Beyond the moons of myth and lore

He watches, blinded by the joy

And hearts entwined they find their place

Hearts lifted at the setting sun

Forever sighs, and promise kept

And dying suns adorn her train

Of endless night, left in her wake

Their forever sighs, and calls her near

Eternal bound in endless skies

And dying suns adorn her train

Of darkest night, left in her wake

Beyond the veil they dip and swoop

Through nebula and pinpricked paths

‘Till time no more stands in their path

To evermore’s sweetest embrace


U is for…

I tore the pages from the book

that holds the story of our lives

of darker times that might have been

and in their place I wrote these words

my promises to you.

Not to forget each day to live

and love and laugh and treasures mine

to hold most dear and know their worth

and thanks with grateful heart I give

all that I have to you.

When sunset paints with flames of red

the words we wrote on pristine page

We loved though time will pass us by

as stories gather dust upon

life’s shelf where now we lay.


To all the things that we once were

The brightness of the things that were

Like summer sun warm on the skin

Now shadows cast, and blind her gaze

And endless days to night give way

Until they set, horizons crimson

Set ablaze just one last time

No more remembers, dawn will come

Follows the embers, She remembers him no more

And light once more reveals her beauty

Safe in the warmth, new days embrace


Fancy another of these?

If lost, the things I hold most dear,

these minutes, hours, months and years

that helter skelter through my mind

With all I am, swim intertwined,

The loss of you the thing I truly fear

Still I would cling, with fingertips

that were your name ripped from my lips

that in that place of darkest sky

not knowing where or when or why

Back to my mind Your memory might slip

And once again this love would taste

and life renewed, new memories make

this destiny once more to live

In equal parts to take and give

And feel the lessening of heart’s cold ache


To be, or not

And in that lot not once to wonder what

And why and just wherefore. So stop

To breathe and in the presence of the past

Then look upon the days we thought would last

But voices once so loud not start to drop

And thoughts they turn to who, not why, nor when

We are, we were, we could have been, and then

We climb and conquer, proudly stand atop

And there we see who we could surely be


Words and more words

I made for you a garden

From the stars I stole from cloudless skies

And deep within earth’s warm embrace

Sprung forth as tears streamed down your face

And quiet you sat in this place

And waited patiently

Each passing day under the skies

With hope, new shoots turned into bloom

And brightly shine when sunset falls

Until the light like beacon calls

These shards of nightfall, heart enthrals

From shadows setting free

And with the seasons turning, living

Pass full circle, gold to green

Hearts warmed by light unwavering

And beauty bright, sweet savouring

Sweet tears of heaven favouring

Forever comforts thee

So you have cancer. Now what?

C is for…

So, turns out I have prostate cancer. I wrote about it first here…

There is so much reading you can do on the matter once you find out you have the big C. Stuff on diet, treatment, research, oh the list goes on and on. Websites, forums, books, articles, pod casts. Its never ending.

I’m just saying you can. I’m not saying that I did. Fuck that.

I really don’t want to dwell too much on it really if I am honest, it isn’t going to get me any time soon, and I don’t need treatment yet and people live with it for decades so why fill my head with thoughts on the matter. That is my way of looking at it anyway.

Oh, I saw this nice specialist for a follow up a while ago, he had a tie on and an office and certificates on the wall, and things are settled and no worse than they were and Ill go get checked out every 6 months and maybe have another MRI or a biopsy. So it all seems very much in hand. My head isn’t in the sand, I just feel like it’s best left alone for now, you know?

The only thing that bothers me from time to time is the thought that it can spread or maybe I’m open to some sort of secondary cancer, but I mean what’s the chance of that. Hmm, you know there is probably a statistic for that. is the chance of that is probably well understood. Well, I still don’t want to know.

Probably more chance of me dying from eating too much cake or not getting enough exercise to be honest…