All the time in the world – Terra – An Armitage Tangent – Part 2 of 4

Part 2 of whaT i think will be a 4 part thing…

This was in response to my own prompt. There were a few pics to go with it.


You can find part 1 here:


Time, in all it’s relative and undeniably certain glory, marching on relentlessly without any thought of wavering or stopping off to admire the view or take in some local cultural hotspots, was something the Great Galactic Mining Company did not at all care for. It was inconvenient at best, and if the accounting department are to be believed – and they would assure you with the dangerous end of an inappropriately large and pointy laser pistol that they are – that it is very bad for business.

All those commodities, traversing the vastness of space, with a thousand worlds eagerly awaiting their arrival just didn’t make financial sense. The inhabitants of ten thousand galaxies wanted their shimmering and exotic animal skin boots, or necklaces of sparkling jewels from the bowels of an exploding volcano in a star system a thousand light years away. They wanted them, and they wanted them now.

The company had spent a hundred years, and the lifelong careers of many more astral engineers on attempting to speed up the whole affair, but so vast were the distances that the accountants declared that something else was going to have be done because this just would not do.

So they worked out how to bend time instead. It didn’t take long apparently, not relatively at least. A small team of Physicists got cracking one Monday after a leisurely breakfast, spent 27 years unlocking the secrets of the universe, and with the technology they had created were able to have a couple of quick ones at the pub at lunchtime, and be mostly done by Monday afternoon. A bit of paperwork needed to be finished, but nothing that would get in the way of declaring it a complete success and would anyone like to head back to the pub for a celebratory drink.

The Great Galactic Mining Company declared it a breakthrough for the ages, though the accounts department did decline the overtime request on the basis of the relative time passing being mere hours, though as appreciation did agree to pay for the celebratory drinks if someone had kept the receipts and put in a claim in triplicate.

The Physicists declared themselves too smart for their own good and indeed went back to the pub.

Armitage knew nothing of any of this of course, and had he then he might understand to some degree at least why at this precise moment every molecule in his body was being disassembled, as was the Mining Frigate Vix III, rotting whale carcasses and all. When it reassembled thirty seconds later, three years previously, he remained none the wiser but did feel wholly more queasy. He looked at his hand in front of his face, and it blurred and seemed to move in slow motion. The Mining Frigate Vix III groaned and clanged as her reassembled and settled back into orbit.

Armitage took a deep breath and steadied himself against cold metal wall surrounding the portal, closing his eyes. After a few moments he reopened them and looked outside.

“Oh,” he said to himself, mind racing as he looked down upon a world of wispy, gaseous purple clouds, towering snow covered mountains and glistening, pristine, concrete and glass buildings for as far as the eye could see. “That’s not right,” he reminded himself and he slumped back against the rotting whale bones, head spinning.

A loudspeaker crackled into life somewhere overhead. A serious voice barked out. “Docking initiated, orbital descent commencing in ten. Offload sequences stacked, all hands to their stations. All hands to their stations”

Armitage felt uncomfortable.

The tone softened as it continued.

“On behalf of the captain and crew, thank you for time travelling with the GGMC, and welcome to Corvidian V. The weather landside is a balmy 47, the drinks are cold, and the locals are hot.”


Oh, and you can do what you want with the images. They are all AI generated so no issues with copyright.

Afterwards Writing Prompt #4 – Monday 29th of January – “TO LIVE AND DIE”

Last one for January

Over the many years Ive been dabbling on here I have always enjoyed prompts. Quite often I like to create lists for myself, and I always wnjoy them even more when I have an image or two to stir my writing loins.

So I figured I might share some of mine. Use it if you want. or don’t.

Theres no limit to how long or short it should be, just see where it takes you. It could be a short story, a poem, or just whatever takes your fancy.

If you send a pingback or a link to your piece in the comments  I will gather all of the outputs together at the end of the week, so for this one the closing date will be Sunday the 4th of February.

If there is interest or people actually get into it I might compile the best one from each week and pop them into a compilation of sorts and pop it on Amazon at the end of the year (accredited of course). But let’s see how it goes first eh…

So this week your prompt is ‘TO LIVE AND DIE’, and these are a few pics to go with it.

Oh, and you can do what you want with the miages. They are all AI generated so no issues with copyright.


This is the link to the prompt, and the inspirational pics can be seen belpw. And this is my effort. Bit short as I have been sick all week but it is something, right?

He always promised that one day we’d leave, that things would be different and we would escape to a place where we could be together always. I smiled everytime he told me this, deep down he was a good man. A dreamer perhaps, but that was part of his charm, you know.

I remember when we were young, how we would lie outside the house in the long grass and look up at the sky. He would point and tell me all about the things he had read in his books. His enthusiasm was infectious, and you couldn’t help but believe him, because he obviously believed it himself.

“Out there, way out there,” he would say, “out there is where things will be different. Ive seen things.”

I would ask him what he had seen, but he would just smile and tell me I wouldn’t believe him, but I just needed to trust him.

And I should have.

But time does things to people, and promises and dreams fade eventually, and all that is left is reality.

But he never stopped believeing, even when we drifted apart. I would see him time to time and he would tell me that things would be different soon, and looking into his dark green eyes I almost believed him again.

But then the earth would shake, and the snow would fall, and once more things were just as they had always been…

FFfAW Challenge – A steaming mug of dark and silky goodness

“No, I am not drinking that!” Gordon insisted, forcefully pushing Colin’s arm away and turning his head in disgust.

The challenge was to write about the picture above in anywhere from 75 to 175 words.

“No, I am not drinking that!” Gordon insisted, forcefully pushing Colin’s arm away and turning his head in disgust.

Howling with laughter he offered the cup again.  “Come on mate” he slurred, taking a drink from the beer in his other hand,  “It’s chocolate honest!”

Gordon gagged as it was again shoved in his face.  “Oh god get that away from me!” he demanded “I don’t care how drunk I am I’m not touching it!”

Colin drank more beer.

“And how the hell did a man of your size even get that in the cup?” Gordon continued most vexed but not really wanting to know.  “you better not have made a mess in there we’ve just had it decorated and the wife will bloody kill me!”

Barely able to contain himself Colin lifted the mug to his lips.  “Okay if you won’t then I will…“

“Nooooo!” Gordon screamed.

“Ooh lovely” Colin said, licking his lips and offering it again grinning. “What did you think it was?”

“You’re such a dick” Gordon replied opening another beer.

175 words

Fancy something else?



Remembering – FFfAW – 25 July 2017

There were lots of things that he couldn’t remember any more, no matter how hard he tried.

There were lots of things that he couldn’t remember any more, no matter how hard he tried.

Sometimes, falling asleep ,he would remember the sea, a small white boat, and the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon, but both of their names were long lost to him.

Strangers would visit and tell him stories of his life, but none of these memories seemed to be his and they would leave looking sad, kissing him on the forehead as they departed.  They seemed nice people though and he was grateful for the company and he so enjoyed their stories.

As he slipped into the darkness, a nurse at his bedside holding his hand, he opened his eyes for one last time, remembering everything.

“Josephine” he said smiling, “that was her name.”



Word count – 150

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Louise with The Storyteller’s Abode. Thank you Louise!

Want to read more of my stuff?  No.  Don’t blame you, no offence taken.