The In-between – Part 1 of 31

Where lots of things start and end

So throwback Friday is apparently a thing. I can’t believe it’s 5 years ago now, but in 2018 I did what ended up being almost a book’s worth of writing in a month. It started with this tiny little snippet in response to a prompt. I keep thinking that I need to go back to it and rewrite it and get it into the book that it could or should have been. I might do that…


Okay so I’m doing M’s prompts and going to try and do a full month as one long story with no planning. The first was titled ‘The Inbetween’ so thats the name of the story. Each prompt is only meant to take a few minutes. Let’s see how it goes.

I’m not sure what I am anymore. I know I’m dead, I remember that all too well, but it was hardly the significant finale I was expecting.

There were no pearly gates or lights to head towards, and neither was there fire nor brimstone nor the anguished gnashing of teeth – something Mrs Henderson next door would most certainly be disappointed about given her insistence that one day my wicked ways would most certainly be repaid in true Old Testament fashion.

The way she always looked at me when she said it I’m pretty sure she meant buggery, she just had that look of a woman who feared buggery above all things. Her husband was a big man, so that may have explained it.

So alas Mrs Henderson I am afraid there is a distinct lack of buggery wherever it is that I am, though there are rather a lot of us here in-between who are somewhat in need of an answer as to just what is going on.

Part 2 is here

Author: Michael

Husband, dad,(ex)programmer, comic collector and proud Yorkshireman. I have no idea why im here or why im writing but i rather enjoy it. no great fan of punctuation;

6 thoughts on “The In-between – Part 1 of 31”

  1. I don’t know how it works for you. For me, ideas bubble up and if I don’t get them down they disappear. They fit whatever length they become. I seldom manage to ‘pad things out’ anything like successfully. Full length novels need so many threads don’t they? Looking forward to pieces 2-31 – though. Are you going to ‘take it on’?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh I did part 2-31 …they’re out there somewhere but you are right it was pretty linear but i was responding to the pRompts and trying to work the story around what was in the prompts. I started writing in the third person ended up changing that and somehow the destroyer that I think was about 25- 30000 words which is somewhat short but more than a short story.

    And yes I am alike you in that I need to get the ideas down on paper and create space for myself to do that. The last few years have been more difficult to get into the longer forms of writing although I have published one book in that time…

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