Afterwards Writing Prompt #4 – Monday 29th of January – “TO LIVE AND DIE”

Last one for January

Over the many years Ive been dabbling on here I have always enjoyed prompts. Quite often I like to create lists for myself, and I always wnjoy them even more when I have an image or two to stir my writing loins.

So I figured I might share some of mine. Use it if you want. or don’t.

Theres no limit to how long or short it should be, just see where it takes you. It could be a short story, a poem, or just whatever takes your fancy.

If you send a pingback or a link to your piece in the comments  I will gather all of the outputs together at the end of the week, so for this one the closing date will be Sunday the 4th of February.

If there is interest or people actually get into it I might compile the best one from each week and pop them into a compilation of sorts and pop it on Amazon at the end of the year (accredited of course). But let’s see how it goes first eh…

So this week your prompt is ‘TO LIVE AND DIE’, and these are a few pics to go with it.

Oh, and you can do what you want with the miages. They are all AI generated so no issues with copyright.

Author: Michael

Husband, dad,(ex)programmer, comic collector and proud Yorkshireman. I have no idea why im here or why im writing but i rather enjoy it. no great fan of punctuation;

15 thoughts on “Afterwards Writing Prompt #4 – Monday 29th of January – “TO LIVE AND DIE””

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