Diet o’clock 8th of August

Mmmm frosting baby yeah.

Now here’s a curious thing.  The longer I remain focussed on what I put into my body (no – this is a diet post not one of the weird posts I am prone to do so stay with me) the less interested I become on food in general.

Food for me was a comfort, a reward, a treat but five or six weeks in and I find myself not only considerably less hungry than I have ever been but also less fixated on the deliciousness of it.  Perhaps foolishly I watch quite a lot of cooking shows, and mostly ones that focus on desserts, and in the past these would have inspired me to chocolate and cream filled monstrosities of pure delight but now I am mostly filled with something of a sense of indifference.  Perhaps at the time I think I might whip up a triple layered mousse cake or a dozen scones to be savoured in the bath or in the middle of the night but it soon passes.

That said, I have been making some ice cream, but that’s just because I am not getting through the milk and don’t have the heart to tell the milk man to deliver less. Oh and there were those cup cakes with the vanilla frosting.  But those aside, I do feel generally less compelled to feed my face.

When I set out on this journey I wanted to love better, lose weight, teach my kids to eat better and to sort out my relationship with food.  I don’t think I am there yet and would probably still rub Nutella all over myself when the cravings strike but things certainly do seem to be changing.



Author: Michael

Husband, dad,(ex)programmer, comic collector and proud Yorkshireman. I have no idea why im here or why im writing but i rather enjoy it. no great fan of punctuation;

31 thoughts on “Diet o’clock 8th of August”

  1. Props on your victories thus far! I’ve seen many and more head down the road of “I need to make some changes” and seen them take the first detour to Candy Land that they see.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. We did chocolate recently
    And then a vanilla with hobnobs in it n i made myself a diet one with coconut milk n blueberries. No sugar though so was a tad bland but cold nonetheless

    Liked by 1 person

  3. i find if i spice something up instead ofsugar then it doesn’t taste so bland –like adding cinnamon or nutmeg –or even a sricha or citrus. or coffee or tea as I like the taste ven without honey. it might be cool to make my own ice cream– i do miss ice cream quite a bit on hot days. (oh! pun not intended)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ooh yes
    Bananas with cinnamon and a few walnuts has become my go to desserts in fact might make a cinnamon ice cream I’ve made it before and it is rather good

    Liked by 1 person

  5. yes the mind and the food connection, it is a very odd and interesting thing…………….I can watch commercials and not Want the fried,fatty, food shown, and if you are getting your protein (just an example) you will be less hungry and not Dwell on food, just 2cents worth here! Carry on the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That said I’m not immune to temptation because I’m just currently making some chocolate and chilli ice cream and obviously I need to sample it to make sure it’s not poisonous


  7. I’ve been so busy at work, I totally get the concept of going wild with the Nutella. I saw your post with the pink donut a few days ago and am quite behind in Reader, so came back here to see how you were doing on the diet. Bravo to you for sticking with this. You should feel very proud of yourself. As to me, good thing I finished that small jar of Nutella off at one time and there is no more of it around. 🙂 Now I am putting my nose back to the grindstone so I can hopefully be free in an hour.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. No, as many different flavor I found with just a simple Google search that would surely kill me… but an appletini does sound good. Or the peach one, or the one with Baily’s, or the chocolate one, or…

    Liked by 1 person

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