Sunshine Blogger and Liebster Awards – AUDIO

Eight minutes of more odd questions and me often not answering…


Author: Michael

Husband, dad,(ex)programmer, comic collector and proud Yorkshireman. I have no idea why im here or why im writing but i rather enjoy it. no great fan of punctuation;

16 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger and Liebster Awards – AUDIO”

  1. WTF!!! You had me in stitches the whole time!!! I would have been content if you had given me the Monty Python bit as an answer for the whole lot of the questions!

    (there is a video here just in case you can’t see on phone)

    Thanks so much for answering these somewhat. I did enjoy listening to you ramble on and on and… – HAHAHAHAHAHA


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  2. Ok, that was great fun, but what’s even funnier are the posts directly below yours, the ones that WP is recommending for my reading pleasure. One says… Daily devotionals 2018 for the holy spirit supporter, and the other says, Incredibles Porn is trending, once again proving the internet’s horniness knows no bounds. And these are suppose to be relating to your post in some way? How? Lol…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No worries. It’s kinda weird actually but this past week actually being around more people, I found out my hearing has gone down a bit. I had to ask people to repeat themselves a few times if I wanted to hear what they said. … hmmm, this might be a good thing on occasion.

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