More R Rated Limericks.

I am easily influenced, so here are even some of the limericks you certainly don’t want your kids to read.


I blame these on you lot for encouraging me…


A fine actor from Hollywood hailed

and young men he apparently nailed

one with mouth he did please

as he dropped to his knees

many more heโ€™d seduce but he failed


Dairy sales man who worked in Calcutta

Had a mind that was oft in the gutter

Home heโ€™d go self to please

Rub his bollocks with cheese

And his nipples heโ€™d smother in butter.


There once was an old man from Chile

Now youโ€™re thinking Iโ€™ll write of his willy

That would be rather sick

To write odes of old dick

I’m more grown up than that, donโ€™t be sillyโ€ฆ


An innocent chap from Taiwan

who kept puppies and sweets in a van

Gave away outside schools

Church bazaar’s, public pools

worse charity ever, stupid man!


Bloke next door has this girlfriend, most flirty

Who based on the noise, gets quite dirty

โ€œGod that stingsโ€ through the walls

Heard him shout, slips and falls

Bangs his head, seems sheโ€™s also quite squirty


Sorry.ย  Kinda.

Author: Michael

Husband, dad,(ex)programmer, comic collector and proud Yorkshireman. I have no idea why im here or why im writing but i rather enjoy it. no great fan of punctuation;

13 thoughts on “More R Rated Limericks.”

  1. Ooh, can you do “Carry on, keep calm” limericks?
    Carry on and keep calm is so British
    Great for an Anglophile fetish
    I don’t know how they’d go,
    But you’ve a dirty old soul
    So I’m sure you’d create quite a finish!
    Sorry, couldn’t help myself! How fun! I love your limericks!

    Liked by 1 person

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